Lying amidst the slopes of the Lesser Himalayas and blanketed by emerald green plantations of tea, Darjeeling is a picturesque town in the Indian state of West Bengal. The majestic Kangchenjunga towers over this beautiful town, which is the third highest mountain in the world. Popularly known as the ‘ Queen of the Hills’ , Darjeeling provided stunning locations for many Bollywood movies including Barfi, Main Hoon Na and Aradhana. Developed by the British, the colonial era architecture can still be seen everywhere in Darjeeling. Tiger Hill offers a spectacular view of both Mount Everest and Mount Kangchenjunga. Lloyd’ s Botanical Garden has a collection of several species of flora including oak, magnolia and bamboo. Go on an adventurous trek up to Sandakphu in Singalila Range, the highest peak in West Bengal and feast your eyes on the spellbinding panorama.